Friday, December 1, 2023

Rally this Wed., Dec.6 at 10 AM - City Hall Park - Intro. 195B

If you live near a warehoused (empty) apartment that is not well maintained, or whose open windows keep your apartment freezing, or that poses a fire hazard (got squirrels or rats chewing the wires?) or vermin, or some similar problem, then City Council bill Intro. 195B is for you!

The bill permits HPD inspection of a vacant apartment when a neighbor (reasonably) complains of harms coming from it. 

Join the rally this Wednesday, Dec. 6 at 10 AM at City Hall Park.
We're on our way to getting the bill passed!

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We welcome all civil comments on the best way to end warehousing of affordable apartments.

Some good news, some bad news . . .

Tenants groups including our Coalition and  Housing Justice for All  have made good progress over the past year, but we have more to do to p...