Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Another victory: City Bill Passed the Council!

Our bill to protect tenants living next to warehoused apartments has passed the City Council on December 6, 2023, following our rally.  

Intro. 195-B empowers tenants to take action!  The bill:

  • requires that landlords keep vacant apartments in good repair;
  • prompts an HPD inspection of vacant apartments for health and safety violations when neighboring tenants claim their apartments are affected;  
  • lets tenants (not just HPD) go to court to get an order requiring the landlord to let HPD in to inspect.

Thanks to Council Members Carlina Rivera and Gale Brewer and all the others who signed on in support of the bill.  Next the bill goes to the Mayor. 

"City Council Passes Bill Enabling Tenants to Report Vacant Apartments

In response to “warehousing” and THE CITY’s coverage, measure cues up inspections of hazardous conditions in empty units.

DEC. 6, 2023, 4:36 P.M."


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We welcome all civil comments on the best way to end warehousing of affordable apartments.

Some good news, some bad news . . .

Tenants groups including our Coalition and  Housing Justice for All  have made good progress over the past year, but we have more to do to p...